
How to Install Java on Debian 12

how to install java on debian 12

Java is a programming language that gets used by the majority of the developers even nowadays. This programming language can be installed and used in almost any operating system and environment.

Java is not only widely used, but it is also a versatile programming language. It is well known for its mantra “write once, run anywhere” principle. It offers the extensibility to the Java applications to run on any platform with the help of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This non-dependability from the platform makes Java an ideal choice for developers and programmers for cross-platform development.

Before we dive into its installation process, let’s discuss some of its advantages here.

Advantages of Java

Platform Independence: Java is known as a “write once, run anywhere” programming language which means it allows Java applications to run on distinguished platforms without the need of any modification, making it highly portable and versatile.

Rich Standard Library: Java is equipped with a unique standard library that is easily available. It offers and provides a wide range of pre-built classes that simplify development tasks for the developers and saves time.

Object-Oriented Programming: Java’s object-oriented approach promotes modularity, code reusability, and easier maintenance, making it a preferred choice for building large-scale, complex applications.

Strong Community and Ecosystem: Java boasts a massive and active community, offering extensive resources, libraries, frameworks, and tools that contribute to a robust development ecosystem.

We will be installing it in our Debian 12. To install Java, we need to install two things. JRE and JDK. In this article, we will install everything that needs to be in order to install our Java.

Update the Debian

To make sure everything goes smoothly, we need to update our Debian first. Because updates often include security patches, bug fixes, new feature enhancements, software compatibility, and many other things.

It is very important to note that while updates are generally beneficial, there might be occasional issues due to software conflicts or compatibility problems. Therefore, it’s a good practice to backup your important data before performing major updates. Regularly updating your Linux distribution makes sure for us that we have access to the latest features and security enhancements which create a more reliable and secure computing environment.

$ sudo apt update && upgrade

Install JRE

JRE is a Java runtime environment that is required for java.

$ sudo apt install default-jre

Install JDK

You can add more context above on why and when to use JRE vs JDK.

We might need JDK to run some Java-based software. Even it helps with Java development. For that, we have a command as:

$ sudo apt install default-jdk

Confirm the installation

If we check the version of our installed Java, not only will it give us the installed version, but it will also confirm the installation.

$ javac -version

Here we are done with the installation of Java and version 17 is installed here. If we want to install a specific version, we can do that as well. For example, let’s install version 11 of Java.

$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre openjdk-11-jdk

Uninstall Java From Debian 12

Java uninstallation is really simple. Run the common as follow and we are good to go

$ sudo apt-get remove default-jdk

To remove all the remaining packages automatically, we have a command as

$ sudo apt-get autoremove


Java installation is really simple and we can do that with just the simplest of commands. In order to make sure we have a good development environment for other programming languages as well, we should install Java in our systems.

This article depicted how we can install Java in our Debian 12. Just install Java and start your development journey.


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