Linux is a Unix-like operating system packed in distributions, e.g., Debian, Arch Linux, Slackware, Fedora, RedHat, etc. In Linux, each distribution addresses a problem and each Linux distribution has its derivatives. Ubuntu is one of the highest used Linux distributions and is based on Debian while Zorin OS is an Ubuntu-based distribution.
This article will discuss and compare two Linux distributions: Ubuntu and Zorin OS in detail.
Ubuntu vs. Zorin OS – Which is the Best Linux Distro?
We will start with a brief description of Ubuntu and Zorin OS and then will dive into the difference between these two Linux distributions:
What is the Ubuntu Linux Distribution?
Ubuntu is the most dependable Linux distribution across desktop, server, and cloud platforms. It is based on Debian and was introduced as a user-friendly Debian distribution in 2004 but now Ubuntu is a distribution of its own.
Ubuntu has a great UI (User Interface) and application availability due to which it works for every user type, i.e., from basic level user to advanced level user. It was Ubuntu that made Linux popular among the masses because of its GUI (Graphic User Experience). Additionally, Ubuntu dominates in the Desktop Linux market as well as the Cloud and Server enterprise market.
What is the Zorin Linux Distribution?
Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu and was introduced in 2009. It is built on top of Ubuntu so it contains all the functionalities and features of Ubuntu with a lot of additional functionalities and features. Zorin OS is fast, gaming-friendly, provides ease of use, and is for individuals who are shifting to Linux from Windows and macOS.
Now that there is some basic understanding of Ubuntu and Zorin OS, we will further go through the differences between them.
What is the Difference Between Ubuntu and Zorin OS?
As Zorin OS is derived from Ubuntu, it contains all the features of Ubuntu with some upgrades. The main difference between these two distributions is the User Interface (UI) and how these distributions let users interact with systems (UE).
We will discuss a few differences between these two distributions in the following categories:
User Interface (UI)
Both Ubuntu and Zorin OS use gnome desktop environments but their UI is completely different. This is because developers of both Ubuntu and Zorin OS have customized the genome to create a unique desktop experience.
Ubuntu has one of the best UI among Linux distributions. Ubuntu is user-friendly and it provides a seamless desktop experience by more usage of inputs from keyboard and mouse as compared to Terminal in previous distributions. Applications can be easily organized, controlled, and accessed by side panel. It enables multiple workspaces for productivity and organization of tasks, app switching, and quick app search to speed up things.
Zorin OS also has a great UI. Its UI resembles the UI of Windows. Additionally, it has a customizable layout, for example, Windows style, macOS style, and Ubuntu style layouts. Zorin OS has a fast search and organization menu that organizes everything, similar to that of Windows OS.
Both Ubuntu and Zorin OS are great in terms of desktop experience.
User Experience (UE)
Ubuntu is very reliable and simple to use. On the other hand, Zorin Os is based on Ubuntu, so it has inherited the dependability from Ubuntu. Further, to add user experience, Zorin OS developers have improved the Software availability, pre-installed apps, gaming performance, and added apps like Zorin connect, etc. which are discussed in the below sections.
Additionally, settings in both Ubuntu and Zorin OS are easy to find and configure according to user needs and requirements. Both Ubuntu and Zorin OS provide amazing stability and usability and are great in terms of user experience.
Software Applications and Availability
Ubuntu comes in with a good number of pre-installed applications (e.g., browser, media player, office suite) while Zorin OS comes in with more pre-installed packages.
All of the packages that are released in Ubuntu are stable and well-tested. Additionally, Snaps are available on Ubuntu. Snaps are modern packaged apps and a large amount of software from top developers and vendors like Google, Spotify, Microsoft, etc. is available only on Snaps to bring their software and tools to Linux
Zorin OS has added a lot in Software applications and software availability. Using Zorin OS, the software can either be installed from Ubuntu repositories, Snaps, or Flathub. Zorin OS ships with Flathub integration.
Zorin OS comes with a built-in Zorin Connect feature that pairs a smartphone with a computer. Zorin Connect application syncs all notifications and messages on computer and smartphone and shares files (between phone and system). Additionally, a PC can be controlled from a smartphone using this app
Gaming users are increasing year by year and so is the quality and quantity of games being released. Both Ubuntu and Zorin OS support gaming and come with AMD and Nvidia Graphics drivers preinstalled.
The Ubuntu Store contains many games natively. Additionally, the Zorin OS Pro version comes with 20 games. However, games that are not natively available on Linux can even be played on Linux. Even Windows-exclusive games can be played on Linux by downloading and installing a client, for example, wine, soda, streams, bottle projects, etc. Any of these clients can be installed to play Windows-exclusive games on Linux.
Performance and Stability
Both Ubuntu and Zorin OS deliver great performance for an individual’s day-to-day computing needs e.g., browsing, emails, video and media consumption, office work, etc. Additionally, the performance of heavier tasks like rendering and games performance is also good on both distributions (although that depends on hardware too) but generally, there is no performance gap between Ubuntu and Zorin OS.
Community Support
Getting help is very easy in Ubuntu as it has a very large and active community support that is very quick to respond. Any question related to Ubuntu, for example, “how to”, troubleshooting, etc. can be asked on Ubuntu forums. As Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu, most of Ubuntu answers will apply to Zorin OS. However, Zorin OS has its form.
System Requirements
The system requirements for Zorin OS are less as compared to that of Ubuntu. However, both Ubuntu and Zorin OS have Lite editions (Lubuntu/Xubuntu & Zorin OS Lite) to cater to older computers with lower-end specifications.
Installation of both Ubuntu and Zorin OS is straightforward. Graphic drivers are automatically installed and both distributions can work on older computers as well. Additionally, getting started is very simple.
Software updates
Ubuntu allows standard support and security updates for up to 5 years. However, users can avail Pro subscription to extend the support period.
Zorin OS’s latest release 16.3 (released on 27 .2003) is going to be supported till April 2025.
All editions of Ubuntu are available for free. Additionally, individuals can donate to Ubuntu by paying during the download process (optional).
Zorin OS is available in three editions: Lite, Core & Pro. Lite and Core editions are free. However, Zorin Pro can be purchased for 39$ (USD).
Ubuntu is the best all-round Linux distribution. On the other hand, Zorin OS is a derivative of Ubuntu and it contains all the functionalities and features of Ubuntu and add-ons. Additionally, Zorin OS has gaming friendliness, and ease of use, and is suitable for new Linux users. Ubuntu is ranked higher in DistroWatch as compared to Zorin OS. Both distributions are great but we can pick the distribution that suits our needs. This article has discussed two popular Linux distributions, i.e., Ubuntu and Zorin OS, and provided a detailed comparison between them.