
How to Install Debian 12 on Virtualbox

how to install debian 12 on virtualbox

Debian 12 Bookworm is the latest installation of release from the Debian family. This version came with major improvements in terms of the packages and other software improvements. We can install this one on the system directly or on any virtual machine.

What if we want to install this one in the Virtualbox by creating a simple virtual machine? Well yes, we can do that and for that, we just need to follow the instructions given in this article.

Download the ISO File

To start the installation, we need to head to the official website of Debian to download the iso file for Debian

From here, click on this download button. Then click on the iso file.

Here the download process will begin.

We are done here with the download process.

Create a VM

Let’s launch Virtualbox and create a new VM.

Here make sure to stay in the export mode. If you are in guided mode, click on it again to go into expert mode.

After that, we need to name our VM, we will name it Debian 12.

Now click on the drop-down arrow in front of the folder to select the directory where you want to keep this VM.

After that, we need to open the directory or folder where we want to keep this. Click on Select folder.

Then under the type section, we need to make sure we have selected Linux. For Version, we will select Debian 64-bit.

Now click on hardware.

From here, we need to assign the base memory and number of processors as per the availability of these resources in our system. For base memory, we will go for almost 5GB and for processors, we will go with 2.

After that, click on hard disk.

Here we need to assign the hard disk space. We will assign 30GB here,

Now, we will click on finish.

Now click on the settings icon at the top after selecting our newly created virtual machine.

From here, we need to go to the storage section.

Here we need to attach the iso file that we have downloaded. For that, click on empty and then click on the drop-down arrow and then click on Choose a disk file.

Now, we will go to the directory where we have downloaded our iso file. Then select it, click on open.

Start the Virtual Machine

Now we need to select the virtual machine that we have created and then click on the start button.

From the new screen, select graphical install

Then we need to select the language, we will go with English.

Then we need to select the location. We will go with the United States here.

For keyboard configuration, we will stick with the default choice here.

Then, we need to give the hostname, we will go with Debian.

After that, we will be asked about the domain name, we will leave it as it is and click on continue.

Now, let’s set the root password.

This time, we will make a new user for Debian 12. We will name this new user as Zubair.

After the name, we need to set his password now.

Now we will select the time zone here. By default, it will be based on the location that we have selected in one of the previous steps.

Here, we need to select the partitioning method. We will go with the first choice here and we want to use the entire disk.

Now we will select the disk that we want to partition.

Now we will select the partitioning scheme.

Again we will go with the default option here.

From the next window, we will select yes and click on continue.

It will start the base system installation process.

For package manager configuration, we will select yes.

For Configuring popularity contest, we will select no and then click on continue.

It will again continue to install the system.

We need to have grub bootloader in our Debian, So we will select yes and then click on continue.

We are done here with the installation. We just need to click on continue and the VM will restart.

Now after the reboot, we need to click on the user name.

Here, we need to enter our password. We’re done here with logging in to our Debian 12.

After that, here we will have a screen welcoming us. Close it and open the terminal to add our created user in the sudoers list.

After opening the terminal, we will use the following command to use the terminal as a sudo user and then the following command to open the sudoers file.

$ su

$ nano /etc/sudoers

We will get to the bottom of this file and then add the following line to it. After that press ctrl+x and then press y to get out of this file.

Now let’s use the system as zubair. For that write exit in the terminal to get out of sudo mode.

Now let’s update our Debian with the following command.

We are done here with the installation of our Debian and now it is ready to be used.


This latest version of the Linux distribution, Debian 12, has been released with significant improvements in both packages and software updates. Whereas, VirtualBox is a tool that we can use to create different virtual machines and then install different operating systems and other systems in it.

We can install Debian 12 in VirtualBox as well. Simply follow the instructions given in the article, and you are good to go.

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