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How to List Loaded Kernel Module Using Lsmod Command

How to List Loaded Kernel Module Using Lsmod Command


The lsmod command is used to display loaded kernel modules. Kernel modules are code snippets that can be loaded or unloaded to the kernel on demand.

If you want to load modules, let’s use the modprobe command. The modules are fully listed in /etc/modules-load.d/<program>.conf.

We will see how to list loaded kernel modules using lsmod command as we go through below.

lsmod command

$ lsmod



1st column: the names of loaded modules

2nd column: the memory capacity of each module

3rd column: the total number of uses and optionally the name of the module

You can use another way to search a specific module by the grep command. For example, I want to search a module named “xor”:

$ lsmod | grep xor


To get more information about kernel modules, let’s use the modinfo command. For example:

$ sudo modinfo xor



You have just seen the tutorial of how to list loaded kernel modules using lsmod command.

Thanks for reading.

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