
How to Install Proxmox on Debian 12

how to install proxmox on debian 12

Proxmox is an open-source and free virtualization and server management system tool. It can be used as a server management tool and also can install virtual operating systems. Proxmox is a great tool when it is used to manage different servers. It uses a web interface. Proxmox is based on the Debian Linux distribution and provides the facility to virtualize in two ways. It uses containers with LXC(Linux containers) virtualization and KVM(Kernel-based Virtualization) for full virtualization.

This article will help with installing Proxmox on Debian 12. By following the instructions, you’ll be able to install and use Proxmox as your Server Management Tool as well as your Virtualization tool.

How to Install proxmox on Debian 12?

Proxmox provides services for the management of virtual machines and server management. It utilizes the Debian-based kernel for managing virtualization.

Step 1: Update Packages

Open the terminal and type the following command:

$ sudo apt update

This command will update all the existing packages:

Step 2: Install wget Package

The “wget” command is used to enable the downloading of the packages from the websites. Use the following command to install wget:

$ apt install wget

Update the package again by using the above command to update the package apt

$ sudo apt update

Step 3: Static IP Configuration

Proxmox works with the static IP address, so we have to configure our IP as Static if it has DHCP configuration. For this purpose, use the following command:

$ nano /etc/network/interfaces

Specify the given settings in the nano editor to configure IP:

#The primary network interface

allow-hotplug enp1s0

Iface enp1s0 inet static




After modifying the file, press “Ctrl + X”, to exit and press “y” to save the changes.

Now, manage the hosts by following this method:

$ nano /etc/hosts

Manage your hosts accordingly. You add the changes in the file as given in the snippets: localhost.localdomain localhost debian

After modifying the file, type “Ctrl + s” to save and “Ctrl + X” to exit the editor. Execute the following command to check your static IP:

hostname -ip-address

The “hostname” command will return your static IP address.

Step 3: Make the Repository for Proxmox VE

Use the following command to create the Proxmox installation repository:

$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list

The command will open the following file in the nano text editor. Mention the following package dependency in the file:

deb [arch=amd64] bookworm pve-no-subscription

Type “Ctrl + X” from your keyboard, press “y” to save the changes and hit “Enter”. After that, add the key of Proxmox VE for the repository by typing the following command:

$ wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg

Update and upgrade the repository, by executing the following commands:

$ apt update
$ apt upgrade

Step 4: Install Proxmox VE Kernel

Simply run the following command in the terminal for installing Proxmox Kernel:

$ apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi

The mentioned command will start to install proxmox:

Packages will require permission to use additional disk space, simply type “y” and hit Enter:

It will start downloading packages, the status will be shown at the bottom of the terminal:

During installation, the Postfix Configuration menu opens, choose “local only” and press “Enter”

Then remain the system name as it is, and press “Enter”:

Step 5: Remove Debian Kernel

Proxmox VE has its own kernel, the use of a pre-installed Debian Kernel may lead to updating problems.

Remove the Debian default kernel by executing the command:

$ apt remove linux-image-amd64 'linux-image-6.1*'

The command will ask for confirmation type “y” and press “Enter”:

It will also be required to remove prober, otherwise boot entry will not be assigned, It is recommended to remove prober for using Proxmox:

$ apt remove os-prober

OS-prober will be removed after the execution of the command:

Type “y” and press “Enter” to continue uninstallation. After that, update-grub version:

$ update-grub

The command will update the grub version of Debian and enable the dual boot functionality.:

Step 6: Reboot the System

Execute the following command to reboot/restart your system:

$ sudo reboot

After rebooting, the system will show the following Welcome Screen:

Provide the root username and password. Finally, the Firefox window will open the Proxmox window:


Proxmox VE is a very amazing tool that can be used as a server management tool as well as a virtual machine host tool. It supports two-way virtualization, which can be LXC-based or KVM-based.

Managing more than one server, Proxmox has made it easy with its handy tools. This article demonstrates the installation process of Proxmox on Debian 12.

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